Telling Stories Again and Again and Again

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Telling Stories Again and Again and Again

Narrator: Everyone has a favorite story. Some people love The Three Little Pigs …
Big Bad Wolf: Little pig … I'll blow your house down!!!

Little Pig: Oh no! Ahhhh!

Narrator: … Some people love the Chinese story about the Monkey King.

Other people love Cinderella …

Prince Charming: Whose shoe is this?

Narrator: … Snow White …

Evil Witch: Yessss! Eat the apple!

Narrator: … or Humpty Dumpty.

Humpty Dumpty: I'm an egg, and I fell off a wall! Oh no!

Narrator: These wonderful stories are with us because people told them again and again and again. Many years later, people put these stories in books. Then more people told these stories!

Some of our favorite stories are very, very old. Today's Cinderella story is more than 300 years old! It came from France. But people in China told a Cinderella story too - more than 1,000 years ago! And people in Greece told a Cinderella story - more than 2,000 years ago!
現今的灰姑娘版本源自於法國,有三百年的歷史。但是一千多年前,中國就有像灰姑娘的故事。 兩千多年前的希臘也有。

People told Cinderella's story again and again and again and again. Maybe it went from Greece to China to France and then to us!

Today is World Storytelling Day! Tell someone your favorite story!


1. tell story 講故事
Tell me a story, Paz. 講故事給我聽。
Okay, what would you like to hear? 好,你想聽什麼?
A story about your childhood? 你童年時候的故事?

2. come from 來自
Okay. I have this uncle who loved to take us out to sea. 我有個叔叔,喜歡帶我們坐船出海。
Where does he come from? 他是哪裡人?
He's from DR, a fisherman. 多明尼加人,是個漁夫。

3. wonderful 奇妙的
And one time he took us out fishing for lobsters. 有一次他帶我們去抓龍蝦。
Wow!! 哇!
Yeah, it was a wonderful experience! 對啊,很奇妙的經驗。
We caught more than 10 lobsters.我們抓到10多隻龍蝦。

4. put 放置
Did you cook them right away? 有沒有馬上煮熟?
No, we put them in a bag, 沒有,我們把牠放在袋子裡,and cooked and ate them on the beach. 在沙灘上煮了吃。

tell story講故事
come from來自

1. Where is the Monkey King story from?
a. Chile
b. Chad
c. China

2. What country has a Cinderella story?
a. Greece
b. The USA
c. Canada

3. What day is today?
a. World Cinderella Day
b. World Storytelling Day
c. Wonderful Story Day

1. c
2. a
3. b

Hosting provided by SoundOn

Telling Stories Again and Again and Again

Telling Stories Again and Again and Again
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