Telescope Finds An Old, Old Galaxy

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Telescope Finds An Old, Old Galaxy

Tomorrow is Star Wars Day! So here’s a story about a galaxy far, far away…
Telescopes let us see things that are very far away. We can see the moon, stars, and planets. The bigger the telescope is, the more we can see.
The James Webb Telescope is the biggest telescope in space today. It goes around and around the sun. It takes pictures. Then it sends them to Earth. Scientists study the pictures.
This telescope takes many cool pictures! It took pictures that show how stars are made. It also took pictures of a small galaxy. Scientists say this galaxy is the oldest we have seen. They say it made between one hundred million stars… and one billion stars!
This galaxy died thirteen billion years ago! That means it stopped making stars then.
Telescopes let us see new things far, far away in space! Who knows what pictures the Webb Telescope will send next? Have a great Star Wars Day tomorrow… Tomorrow is May the fourth. It’s a good day to say “May the force be with you!”

1. million 百萬
Wow, check out this cluster of stars! 哇,你看這一群星星!
It’s like they’re having a party there! 他們好像在那兒開派對!
Let me see it. 讓我看看。
Yeah, there must be millions of stars there! 對啊,那裏一定有好幾百萬顆星星。
2. billion 十億
No, way more than that. 不對,比那個多很多。
I would say billions of them. 我想有好幾十億顆。
3. go around 環繞
Do you think they all go around one center? 你覺得星星都繞著一個中心轉嗎?
That’s a good question. 好問題。
picture 照片、圖片
Google says they do. 谷歌說是那樣沒錯。
We can find some pictures to prove that. 我們可以找到一些照片來證明這一點。
go around環繞

1. What day is tomorrow?
a. Star Wars Day
b. Star Force Day
c. Star Tours Day
2. What does the Webb Telescope go around?
a. The sun
b. The moon
c. The Earth
3. How many years ago did this galaxy stop making stars?
a. Ninety million
b. One billion
c. Thirteen billion

1. a
2. a
3. c

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Telescope Finds An Old, Old Galaxy

Telescope Finds An Old, Old Galaxy
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