Teenager Becomes Lawyer

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Teenager Becomes Lawyer

Last year, a teenager became famous. Why? He became the youngest lawyer in California. He was seventeen years old!
Lawyers help people with problems about laws. Laws say what we can and cannot do. Becoming a lawyer isn't easy. There are a lot of laws to study!
This lawyer says he isn't smarter than other teenagers. But from when he was a child, he studied a lot. Studying was important in his family. He had to study for one hour first when he wanted to play for one hour.
He played with cube puzzles. He became very good at them. He played so much that his hands hurt! In eighth grade, he wrote a book to help other players.
He likes helping people. He wanted a job that lets him do that. Doctors help people, but he doesn't like blood! He wanted to be a lawyer. So in ninth grade, he also went to law school!
Now this young man is a lawyer for his city. He does good things for the city and its people. He loves his job! ********************************************************************************************
1. become 成為
I can never understand why people want to study law. 我永遠搞不懂為什麼有人想要讀法律。
To become a rich lawyer? 好變成有錢的律師?
2. smart 聰明的
There are many other ways to become rich. 有好多別的方法可以變有錢。
Like what? 比如說什麼?
Like making smart investments.比如說聰明投資。
3. study 研究、用功
How would you know if it’s smart? 你怎麼知道那是不是聰明?
I would study it, of course. 當然我會先研究。
4. easy 容易的
Law is boring. 法律很無聊耶。
Making investments can be boring, too. 投資可能也很無聊。
No, it would be easy. 不會,它很簡單。
You stop when you lose money. 你損失錢就停止。
Let’s read the vocabulary.

1. What job does this teenager have?
a. Lawyer
b. Doctor
c. Student
2. What was important in his family?
a. Being famous
b. Studying
c. Writing
3. What does he like to do?
a. Read books
b. Help people
c. Go to law school
1. a
2. b
3. b
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Teenager Becomes Lawyer

Teenager Becomes Lawyer
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