Take a Train, Help the Earth

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Take a Train, Help the Earth

Trains are so relaxing! Do you like to sleep on trains?

In Europe, more and more people are sleeping on trains. It's fun and exciting! And it's good for the Earth.

Sleeping on trains?? Well, this isn’t about falling asleep on an MRT train!

People are sleeping on sleeper trains in Europe. These night trains have small rooms. The rooms have beds. Some have bathrooms! Sleeper trains are hotels on wheels! Some have dining cars too.
Sleeper trains in Europe cost more than planes*. *So why do people ride these trains? It's because they don't want to fly. Planes are bad for the environment. They use lots of fossil fuels. This makes the Earth warmer!

Trains are much better for the environment. They're also good for sightseeing. We can see nature. We can see towns and cities too.

Now, we have to go to another country to ride on a sleeper train. But in 2027, maybe Taiwan will have its own Formosa Sleep Express!

Would you like to try sleeping on a sleeper train?
1. relaxing 讓人放鬆
I love traveling by train! 我真喜歡火車旅行!
Yeah, look at those green fields. 對啊,看那些綠色田野!
It’s so relaxing! 讓人好放鬆。
2. ride 搭乘
I wish I could ride a train to many other places. 我希望能搭火車去很多別的地方。
3. Europe 歐洲
You can easily do so in Europe.去歐洲就可以很容易做到。
It has extensive rail networks. 它的鐵道網路很完整。
You can travel from Rome to Berlin, or from Paris to Vienna by train.你可以坐火車從羅馬到柏林,從巴黎到維也納。
4. lots of 很多
Have you been there lots of times? 你去過那裏很多次?
Oh, yes, more than I can count. 多到我都數不清了。
lots of很多
1. Where are more people sleeping on trains?
a. Europe
b. Taiwan
c. Formosa

2. Why are these people taking sleeper trains instead of planes?
a. Trains cost more.
b. Trains are better for the environment.
c. Trains have dining cars.

3. What do planes use?
a. Small rooms
b. Hotels on wheels
c. Fossil fuels

1. a
2. b
3. c

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Take a Train, Help the Earth

Take a Train, Help the Earth
Release Date
