Sunshine Kettle

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Sunshine Kettle

It's spring! The sun is shining. It makes flowers bloom. It makes the weather warmer.

Electricity makes TVs and lights work. Fuel makes planes and cars move. What makes the sun shine?

The sun is made of many very small things called atoms. These atoms like to bounce around very fast. Sometimes, they hit each other hard and stick together! When this happens, the atoms become one bigger thing!

Lots of energy comes out. It makes the sun shine! This is nuclear fusion!

We need this kind of energy. It's good energy. It won't make the environment dirty. So scientists are trying to copy the sun. But it's hard!

Scientists used many strong lights called lasers. They used lasers to shoot at atoms. This made the atoms bounce around very fast and hit each other - just like a mini sun!

Some energy came out. The electricity from this energy can boil water in a kettle. Scientists are trying to make better mini suns. The world needs lots of energy!

Scientists are working on nuclear fusion so we can have a better world!



1. each other 彼此
Do you see that boy and girl? 你看到那個男孩跟女孩嗎?
Do you see how they look at each other? 你有看到他們怎麼看彼此嗎?

2. happen 發生
Yeah, what about it? 看到了,又怎樣呢?
Their eyes are shining. 他們的眼睛發亮。
So they're in love. 所以他們在談戀愛。
No, that's not what's happening. 不對,不是那樣。

3. energy 能源、能量
Then what do you think is happening? 那你覺得發生了什麼事?
There's this energy between them. 他們之間有一種能量。

4. light 光線
Right, the energy of love. 對,愛的能量。
No, it's the energy of light. 不對,是光的能量。
You're weird, you know that? 你是個怪人,你知道嗎?

each other彼此


1. What makes planes and cars move?
a. Electricity
b. Fuel
c. Wind

2. What are the scientists trying to copy?
a. Lasers
b. Electricity
c. The sun

3. What can the mini sun do now?
a. Light rooms
b. Cool food
c. Boil water

1. b
2. c
3. c

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Sunshine Kettle

Sunshine Kettle
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