Snow for Kids

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Snow for Kids

Have you seen snow? Every year, in winter, many places around the world get cold. Some places get so cold, it doesn't rain. It snows. Cold white fluffy snow falls. It makes everything white!

In the north of China, winter gets very, very cold. Everything is white with snow. But in the south, it doesn't get cold. Kids don't see snow there.

Some nice people in the north wanted to take snow to a school in the south. The school is for kids with disabilities. Many kids there have a hard time learning or moving.

The people put snow into three big trucks. These trucks keep things very cold. Then they drove for three days!

Three thousand three hundred kilometers later, they opened the trucks. The kids were very excited! It was the first time they saw snow!

They touched the snow. It was fluffy and very cold! They played with the snow! They made snowmen and snowballs! The kids were very happy!

The snow melted, but the kids will remember it. They had a fun and exciting snow day!



1. north 北方
It's snowing in Hokkaido! 北海道在下雪!
Can you believe that? 你相信嗎?
Now? It's almost summer! 現在喔? 馬上就要到夏天了!
It's in the far north, so… 那裏在遙遠的北方,所以…

2. white 白色的
I'd love to see it, 我好想看看雪,to lie down on the white and fluffy snow. 躺在白色鬆軟的雪地上。
No, you wouldn't want that. 你不會想要那樣。

3. cold 冷的
It's very cold when it snows. 下雪時很冷的。
I can wear a heavy coat and gloves. 我可以穿厚外套,戴手套。

4. the first time 第一次
Yeah, I guess so. 我想也是。
The first time I saw snow, I was very excited, too. 我第一次看到雪也好興奮。

the first time第一次


1. What part of China was the snow from?
a. North
b. South
c. West
2. How did the people deliver the snow?
a. By train
b. By car
c. By truck
3. What did the kids do with the snow?
a. Took it home
b. Cleaned it
c. Made snowmen

1. a
2. c
3. c

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Snow for Kids

Snow for Kids
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