Screen Time Takes Talk Time from Young Kids

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Screen Time Takes Talk Time from Young Kids

Do you love screen time? There are screens on computers, smartphones, tablets, and TVs… Maybe you watch videos! Maybe you play games! Screen time is fun!

But is it good for young kids? They don't know many words. Most kids need to learn how to talk. They learn how to talk from their families.
但這對幼兒好嗎? 他們還不知道很多字,他們需要從家人身上學習如何說話。

In Australia, scientists studied 220 families with a one-year-old kid. The parents recorded sounds around their kid. They recorded every six months.

Scientists found three-year-old kids had about three hours of screen time a day. When they had screen time, their parents didn't talk much with them. The kids also didn't talk much. When kids weren't using screens, the parents and kids talked more.

The scientists counted words… They learned parents say about 1,000 fewer words to their kids every day… because of screen time!

Young kids need to hear and use many words. That's how they learn to talk! Do you have younger brothers or sisters? Talk with them, even when they're using a screen!



1. smart 聰明的
How many steps now? 現在走了幾步了?
Four thousand.四千步。
I thought it's already 8 thousand! 我以為已經走了八千步!
Maybe your smartwatch is not that smart. 也許你的聰明手錶沒有那麼聰明。

2. watch 注意看
Are you kidding? I've been watching it. 開玩笑,我有一直在注意看。
Now it's 4,020.現在是四千零二十步。
This is more than a watch, you know. 你要知道這比一般手錶能幹。

3. record 記錄
It can record sounds, like the sounds from birds. 它可以錄音,比如說鳥的聲音。

4. when什麼時候
When did you buy it? 你什麼時候買的?
Last week. I found it very useful. 上星期。我發現它非常有用。

Do you use a smartphone?


1. What do most young kids need to learn to do?
a. Speak
b. Use screens
c. Count
2. How many families did scientists study?
a. 22
b. 200
c. 220

3. What happens when young kids use screens?
a. Kids speak more.
b. Parents speak less.
c. Parents speak more.

1. a
2. c
3. b

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Screen Time Takes Talk Time from Young Kids

Screen Time Takes Talk Time from Young Kids
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