Saving Blue Crabs and Their Mangrove Forests

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Saving Blue Crabs and Their Mangrove Forests

Women in one part of Ecuador love blue crabs. The crabs' top shell is blue. But their bottom shell is orange. Eight legs are red. Their claws are white! How colorful!

The delicious blue crabs are food for the women's families. Selling crabs gives the women jobs. Blue crabs are very important to them. They sing about the crabs!

The crabs live in mangrove forests. They eat mangrove leaves. But many mangrove trees were cut down. Their home became much smaller. Then there weren't many crabs.

The crabs help the women. Now the women help the crabs. The women follow strict rules.

One rule says don't catch crabs during two important times every year. During the first time, the crabs find mates. During the second time, the crabs move into bigger shells.

Another rule says don't cut down mangrove trees. The women are planting mangrove trees too. Now there are more blue crabs!

The women are saving the blue crabs. They're saving the mangrove forests for the crabs too. Now their children and grandchildren will enjoy both!



1. colorful 多色彩的
We're having crabs for dinner. 我們晚飯吃螃蟹。
Crabs! I love crabs! 螃蟹! 我很愛螃蟹!
Yeah, I know. 是啊,我知道。
Look at these little creatures. 看看這些小東西。
They're so colorful! 好多顏色!

2. catch 捕捉
I've never seen them before. 我從沒看過這種。
They don't come from here, right? 他們不是本地產的吧?
No. Fishermen in South America catch them and sell them here. 對。是南美洲的漁夫抓到運來這裡的。

3. delicious 美味的
Wow, they must be delicious and expensive! 哇,一定很好吃,也很貴。
You're right. 你說對了。

4. enjoy 享受
Ummm, this tastes really good! 這味道真好!
Don't you want one? 你不要一個嗎?
No, I enjoy watching you eat. 不了,我喜歡看你吃。



1. Where do the blue crabs live?
a. Leaves
b. Forests
c. Claws
2. What happened to the mangrove trees?
a. They were eaten.
b. They were burned.
c. They were cut down.
3. What do the women do to save the blue crabs?
a. Follow rules
b. Build roads
c. Catch more crabs

1. b
2. c
3. a

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Saving Blue Crabs and Their Mangrove Forests

Saving Blue Crabs and Their Mangrove Forests
Release Date
