Rocking Confidence

Release Date:

Rocking Confidence

Do you want to be a rock star? Imagine… you're on a stage. The lights are bright. You're playing a guitar. How scary! But how exciting!
你想成為搖滾明星嗎? 想像一下你站在台上彈吉他,燈光又很刺眼,感覺好嚇人但又讓人好興奮!

That's what happened to some women. They joined a women's rock camp. People join camps to learn things. At this camp, the women learned how to play rock music and sing rock songs!

Some women were shy. But they tried many new things! They became brave!

They did these things again and again. They helped each other. They became good at these things. They became confident!

On the last day, they gave a big concert! One woman was a little scared at first. But she knew she was good. She was confident! She went on the stage. She sang very well!

The camp taught the women how to play music and sing. They did new things and became brave and confident! You can do new things too! Be brave! Be confident! And one day, you can be a rock star… or anything you want!



1. play 彈奏
Do you know how to play music? 你會彈奏音樂嗎?
Like playing the piano? 比如說彈鋼琴?
No, I don't.我不會。

2. sing 唱歌
Do you sing? 你唱歌嗎?
Good, I need you to join our concert. 很好,我需要你加入我們的音樂會。
Me? I sing like a frog! 我?我唱歌像青蛙叫!

3. learn 學習
That's okay. Just move your mouth. 沒關係,你只要動動嘴巴。
You can learn that, right? 那你學得會吧?
Yeah, but why me? 可以,但是為什麼找我?

4. brave 勇敢的
I need someone that's brave enough.我需要夠勇敢的人。
To stand on the stage? 好站在舞台上?
To sing and dance with us.好跟我們一起唱歌跳舞。
But I can't dance! 可是我不會跳舞!

Do you play the guitar or drums? 我們來讀單字。


1. What kind of camp did the women join?
a. Rock
b. Star
c. Dance

2. What did the women become at the camp?
a. Shy
b. Scary
c. Confident

3. What did they do on the last day?
a. Play with rocks
b. Study stars
c. Give a concert

1. a
2. c
3. c

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Rocking Confidence

Rocking Confidence
Release Date
