Robot Carts for the Moon

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NASA is the space agency of the U.S. It wants to do many things in space. It looks for ideas to help.
Many scientists have good ideas about doing things in space. Some ideas can help NASA. Scientists make these ideas better. NASA will use the best ideas in space!
許多科學家對於在太空中做事有很多好的想法。有一些可以幫到 NASA。科學家們把想法變得更好。 NASA會將最好的創意運用到太空!
NASA will send people to the moon. They need buildings to live and work in. NASA will use moon rocks to make buildings. So one idea is using robot carts on the moon. They can carry heavy rocks!
The robot carts have magnets, so they float over a track. They don't have wheels or legs. They don't touch the ground, so moon dust can't stop them.
The track pushes the carts. They can move thirty meters in one minute.
Like toy tracks, the robot cart tracks can be moved. They can be rolled out on the ground. Then they can be rolled up and put away!
Robot carts are a great idea. But there are many great ideas. Will we see these robot carts on the moon one day?
1. do 做
I’m so tired! 我累死了!
I want a robot to do all things for me! 我想要機器人來替我做所有的事情。
What things? 什麼事呢?
Shopping, cooking, taking out the garbage….買東西、煮飯、倒垃圾…
2. carry 帶著、拿著
He can also carry my bag and go to work with me. 他也可以拿我的包包,跟我去上班。
And do your job and share your pay? 並且做你的工作,分你的薪水?
3. help 幫忙
Do my job, yes, 做我的工作,對,share my pay, no. 分我的薪水,不行。
I also want him to help buy my lunch. 我還要他幫忙買中飯。
4. many 很多
You have so many good ideas about how to use a robot! 你對怎麼用機器人,好主意真不少!
1. What is NASA?
a. The U.S. space agency
b. A U.K. robot company
c. People living on the moon
2. What can robot carts do?
a. Make houses
b. Look for ideas
c. Carry rocks
3. What can the robot cart tracks do?
a. Float
b. Use toys
c. Roll up

1. a
2. c
3. c

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Robot Carts for the Moon

Robot Carts for the Moon
Release Date
