Ring the Fish Doorbell

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Have you seen fish swimming in a river? A city in the Netherlands has a river where fish swim. From May to the end of June, they swim to find places to lay eggs. But there's a gate in the river.
The gate opens for boats. Fish can go through at the same time. But when there are no boats,* *they have to wait… and wait… and wait. Sometimes hungry birds find them.
So a scientist made a fish doorbell! But fish don’t ring the doorbell. People do!
An underwater camera lets people see the gate. When people see fish there, they ring the doorbell. A worker opens the gate.
Where's the doorbell?It's on the Internet! It's very popular. It lets people help fish. It teaches people about underwater life. They see many kinds of fish.
在哪按門鈴呢? 門鈴就在網路上,大家可以幫助魚又可以認識水生動物,還可以看到各種魚類。
Early morning and early evening are the best times to see fish. There aren't many hungry birds then…
The fish doorbell is a fun way to help fish. Some people in Taiwan have helped! Do you want to help too?
1. lay eggs 產卵
Hey, there are fish in the river! 嘿,這條河裡有魚!
Yeah, they are salmon. 對啊,是鮭魚。
They swim upstream to lay eggs. 他們游到上游去產卵。
2. underwater 在水下
They swim all the way here to do that? 大老遠游過來生蛋?
Yup! It’s a big underwater trip.沒錯,是很長的水下旅行。
They are fish, after all. 他們畢竟是魚。
3. hungry 飢餓的
So what happens to the eggs? 所以那些卵會怎麼樣?
They hatch and grow. 牠們會孵出來,然後長大。
What do they eat when they’re hungry? 肚子餓的時候吃什麼呢?
4. life 生命
You can ask Google. 你可以問谷歌。
I’m sure it has the whole life cycle of salmon.一定有鮭魚的完整生命週期說明。
lay eggs產卵
1. What do fish do in the river from May to June?
a. Exercise
b. Find birds
c. Lay eggs
2. What do people do when they see fish at the gate?
a. Feed them
b. Ring a doorbell
c. Say hello
3. What's the best time to see fish on the underwater camera?
a. Early morning
b. Late morning
c. Afternoon
1. c
2. b
3. a

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Ring the Fish Doorbell

Ring the Fish Doorbell
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