Protecting the Moon from Garbage

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Protecting the Moon from Garbage

Over fifty years ago, the USA sent a rocket to the moon. An astronaut got out and walked! Whoa! How exciting! But after that, not many rockets went there.
Now many countries and companies want to go to the moon. They want to do many things. The USA wants to build houses on the moon!
Some people are worried. Why? Well, soon, many people will go to the moon. Maybe they will take bad things there. And people make garbage too, right? Then they leave it.
Look at the Earth. We have lots of garbage everywhere. We have garbage on the land and in the ocean. Yuck! We have garbage in space too!
A space lawyer says countries need to make a law together. This law can protect the moon. People won’t be able to take bad things to the moon. People will be more careful about making and leaving garbage there too.
The space lawyer wants to protect the moon from garbage. The moon doesn't have much garbage now. It’s a great time to make this new law!
1. exciting 讓人興奮的
We’re going to land on the moon again! 我們又要登陸月球了!
I can’t see why you find it exciting. 我不懂你為什麼那麼興奮。
People did it ages ago! 人類好久以前就去過了!
2. build 建造
This time it’s different. 這次不一樣。
They’re going to build houses up there. 他們要在上面蓋房子。
Just like in the movies! 就跟電影裡一樣!
3. astronaut 太空人。
Houses for whom? 替誰蓋房子?
For the astronauts, of course. 當然是替太空人啦。
Why would astronauts want to live on the moon? 太空人為什麼要住在月球上?
4. protect 保護
To protect us from alien attacks? 好來保護我們不受外星人攻擊?
You watch too many movies, Paz! 你看太多電影啦!
Will you go to the moon someday? 來一起讀單字。
1. When was the first time someone walked on the moon?
a. Last week
b. 10 years ago
c. Over fifty years ago
2. Who wants to go to the moon now?
a. Many countries
b. The lawyer
c. Some worried people
3. What does the lawyer want to protect the moon from?
a. Houses
b. Garbage
c. Laws
1. c
2. a
3. b
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Protecting the Moon from Garbage

Protecting the Moon from Garbage
Release Date
