One Hundred Dogs Run in Shopping Mall

Release Date:

K*News for Kids 文字檔 (國小)

PA System: "Attention shoppers. One hundred dogs are running everywhere in the mall! We're very sorry. We're catching them as fast as we can!"

Narrator: Huh? Where did the dogs come from? Well, in this shopping mall in China, there's a pet cafe?. That's where one hundred friendly huskies work. But one day, someone forgot to close the door!

The dogs left their jobs! They ran out of the pet cafe?!

The huskies were very happy! They wagged their fluffy tails! They woofed. They jumped! Some of them got snacks… without paying!

The mall became a doggy playground. The shoppers were surprised! Some shoppers were happy to see the huskies. But other shoppers were scared of them.

The huskies played and played! The pet cafe? workers tried to catch them. Kind shoppers helped too. But the dogs ran here and there. It took one hour to catch them!

Phew! Good doggie.

PA System: "Good afternoon shoppers, you can enjoy shopping again. The dogs had fun, but now they're all back at work! Hey! Aaaaahhhhh!"


1. friendly 友善的
I think huskies are the most beautiful dogs! 我覺得哈士奇是最漂亮的狗狗!
I find their eyes not so friendly. 牠們的眼睛不那麼友善。

2. scared 害怕
Are you kidding? Their eyes are pretty! 你在開玩笑吧? 牠們的眼睛很美!
They are icy blue, and I'm scared of them.牠們的眼睛是冰冷的藍色,我很害怕。

3. fluffy 蓬鬆的
But look at their fluffy coats and white legs. 但是你看牠蓬鬆的皮毛跟雪白的腿。Don't you think they are cute? 你不覺得牠們很可愛嗎?

4. jump 跳
I do like their puppies.我是喜歡小狗。
I enjoy seeing them jumping around. 我喜歡看牠們跳來跳去。

Do you like huskies? Let's read today's vocabulary.

1. Where were the huskies?
a. A shopping mall
b. A restaurant
c. A dog park

2. How did the huskies get out?
a. Open windows
b. A big hole
c. An open door

3. How long did it take to catch the huskies?
a. One hour
b. One day
c. One hundred hours


1. a
2. c
3. a
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One Hundred Dogs Run in Shopping Mall

One Hundred Dogs Run in Shopping Mall
Release Date
