Super Light Shoes Made With Spray

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Super Light Shoes Made With Spray

Ready… Set… Go! Look at them run! What a race! How do they run so fast?
你看他們跑步! 真是精采的一場賽跑! 他們怎麼能跑這麼快?

The Paris Olympics was this summer. The fastest runners in the world were there.

Hellen Obiri was there. She's from Kenya, an East African country. She's one of the greatest marathon runners.
Hellen Obiri 也參加了比賽,她來自東非國家肯亞。她是最優秀的馬拉松跑者之一。

Marathon runners run over 42 kilometers! Heavy things make them slower. So the clothes they wear are light. Their shoes are light too!
馬拉松選手要跑超過 42 公里! 重的東西都會讓他們慢下來,所以他們穿很輕的衣服,鞋子也不例外。

Hellen wears some of the lightest shoes in the world. A robot makes them! It sprays a very long, very thin string!
Hellen 穿著世界上最輕的鞋子。這種跑鞋由機器人製作,製作時,它會噴出一條很長很細的線!

Robots spray string to make a shoe? Whose idea is this? It's a university student's idea. He saw kids make spider webs for Halloween. They used strings of glue.
機器人噴出細線來做鞋子? 這是誰想出來的主意呢?這是一個大學生的點子,他看到小孩為了萬聖節,用膠做出細細的線來做蜘蛛網,因此得到了靈感。

Hellen won a big marathon in these shoes. They helped her win a medal at the Paris Olympics too! Run, Hellen, run!


1. runner 跑步的人。
Why do so many marathon runners come from Kenya? 為什麼那麼多馬拉松選手來自肯亞?
Not only Kenya. Some are from Ethiopia.不只是肯亞。也有一些衣索匹亞人。
2. African 非洲的。
That's also an East African country. 那也是一個東非洲國家。
True. And both are big. 對,並且兩個都是大國。
3. fast 很快的。
Runners there can run fast for a long time.那兒的跑者可以跑很快,跑很久。
Yeah, and they're used to hot weather. 對,他們也習慣炎熱的天氣。
4. long 長的。
So running long distances in Paris was not a problem for them. 所以在巴黎跑長距離對他們不是問題。
No, but it was for many others. 是,但對別人卻是問題。



1. Where is Hellen Obiri from?
a. Boston
b. Kenya
c. Paris
2. How far do people run in a marathon?
a. 1,500 meters
b. 3 kilometers
c. 42 kilometers
3. When did the student get the idea for these shoes?
a. Halloween
b. Thanksgiving
c. Christmas
1. b
2. c
3. a
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Super Light Shoes Made With Spray

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