Keeping a Fox in the City Wild

Release Date:

Keeping a Fox in the City Wild

Foxes are wild animals. They live in forests and grasslands. But sometimes, they live in cities!

In one city in the U.S., someone found a baby fox on a street! A wildlife center is taking care of her now.

The wildlife center's workers don't want the baby fox to get used to people. Foxes that are used to people can't live with wild foxes.

But foxes aren't good pets. They need lots of space… and fresh raw meat! It's better for baby foxes to stay wild.

But the workers are around this baby fox all the time. So… they wear fox masks! The workers want her to think they are foxes too!

A stuffed fox toy is her mother. When the workers feed her, she lies on the toy. It makes her feel safe.

Soon she'll live with three other wild baby foxes. She'll learn how to find food. She'll learn how to stay away from danger. She'll learn how to be with other wild animals.

One day, she'll live in a forest or grassland. That's where she belongs!



1. street 街道
Did you hear they found a fox on the street? 你有沒有聽說他們在街上發現一隻狐狸?
On the street? 在街上?
Foxes should be out in the wild! 狐狸應該在野外!

2. feed 餵食
Anyway, they're feeding him milk. 不管怎樣,他們在餵牠喝奶。
So it's a baby. 所以是幼獸。
Yeah, a baby that looks more like a kitten.對,看起來比較像小貓。

3. pet 寵物
I wonder if someone can keep it as a pet. 不知道會不會有人養牠當寵物。
I doubt it.我懷疑。

4. belong 屬於
I think it belongs to the wild. 我想牠屬於野外。
And yet it's here.然而牠卻在這裡。
Yeah. 是啊。



1. Where was the baby fox found?
a. A forest
b. A street
c. A grassland
2. What do the wildlife center workers wear?
a. Fox masks
b. Stuffed fox toys
c. Fresh raw meat

3. Why is it important for a wild animal not to get used to people?
a. It will be a good pet.
b. It will be easy to catch.
c. It will stay wild.

1. b
2. a
3. c

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Keeping a Fox in the City Wild

Keeping a Fox in the City Wild
Release Date
