Hungry Hikers Call Fire Department

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Hungry Hikers Call Fire Department

Oh, there's a fire! Call the fire department!

Fire departments help when there's a fire. They also help in other emergencies. The fire department in Nantou County helps with emergencies on mountains.

Some hikers were hiking on mountains in Nantou County. The weather was very cold. There was ice on the hiking trails. The hikers walked very slowly to stay safe. It took a lot of time. They ate all their food!

The hungry hikers called the fire department. They wanted firefighters to bring them food. What?!

Did firefighters bring them food? No! They are NOT a food delivery service! The hikers were safe. There was no emergency!

But don't worry! The hikers called a mountain guide service. A mountain guide took food up the mountain to them!
別擔心! 後來登山客聯絡高山協作公司,有一位高山嚮導送食物上山。

The fire department talked to the hikers again. Did the hikers get food? Yes. Were they safe? Yes. They told the hikers to bring more food and water next time!
消防局後來再聯絡登山客,問他們有沒有拿到食物。有。安全嗎? 是的。也告訴他們下次要多帶一點食物跟水。

If you go hiking, bring lots of food and water! And if you eat all your food, remember, firefighters don't deliver food!



1. hiker 登山客
Spring is really here.春天真的來了。
Let's go hiking up on Daxueshan. 我們去大雪山健行吧。
That's a high mountain! 那是高山呢!
I'm not much of a hiker, you know. 你要知道我是不高明的登山客。

2. trail 步道
I know that, but no worries. 我知道,不過別擔心。
The hiking trail I chose is easy. 我選的登山步道很簡單的。

3. take 攜帶
We have to take a pot up there. 我們得帶個鍋子上去。
What? Do you plan to cook on the mountain? 什麼? 你要在山上煮東西?

4. hungry 飢餓的
Sure. It's cold there. 當然啊,那裡很冷啊。
I get hungry very fast when it's cold. 天氣冷的時候我餓得很快。

Do you enjoy hiking on the mountain?


1. What was on the hiking trail?
a. Fire
b. Bears
c. Ice

2. What did the hikers want the fire department to do?
a. Take them home
b. Bring them food
c. Fight fires

3. Why didn't the fire department help the hikers?
a. They were safe.
b. They had no money.
c. It was cold.

1. c
2. b
3. a

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Hungry Hikers Call Fire Department

Hungry Hikers Call Fire Department
Release Date
