Helping Kids Sleep Better

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Helping Kids Sleep Better

Sleep is important. People need comfortable beds to sleep well. But some people don't have beds. They don't sleep well.

Two or three percent of kids in the USA don't have beds. Are you shocked?

One man in the USA was very shocked. Sleep helps kids do well in school. He wanted to help these kids sleep well. First, he built a bed for one kid. Then he asked a good friend to help him. They built more beds for more kids.

The man started a group to make beds. Families can help build their own beds. Sometimes young kids help build the beds.

The group has made beds for more than one hundred forty thousand families. That's a lot of beds! But many more kids need beds. There's a lot of work to do!

Why does this man help kids have beds? He doesn't do it to make money. It's because he likes to help people. This makes him feel good.

This man helps kids have beds. Now they can sleep well! Sweet dreams, everyone!


1. feel 感覺
You look a bit pale. 你看起來有點蒼白。
Don't feel well? 不大舒服嗎?
No, didn't sleep well. 不是,沒睡好。

2. family 家人
Yesterday my sister and her family came to visit. 昨天我妹妹和她的家人來看我。 I love my nieces, but they wanted to sleep with me! 我很愛我的外甥女,但是她們要跟我一起睡!

3. ask 請求
You could ask them to sleep on the sofa.你可以要她們睡沙發啊。
Well, I gave them my bed. 結果我給她們睡床。
I slept on the floor. 我睡地上。
That's tough! 這有點麻煩。

4. thousand 千
And then they asked me to tell them stories. 然後她們要我講故事。
From One Thousand and One Nights. 一千零一夜的故事!
That's a lot of stories! 那是很多故事呢!
Exactly. 就是啊。


1. What percentage of kids in the USA don't have beds?
a. 2 or 3
b. 12 or 13
c. 20 or 30

2. Who did the man first ask to help him?
a. A group
b. A family
c. A friend

3. Why does the man make beds for kids?
a. To be shocked
b. To help people
c. To make money

1. a
2. c
3. b

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Helping Kids Sleep Better

Helping Kids Sleep Better
Release Date
