Gray Whale Swims to Another Ocean

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Gray Whale Swims to Another Ocean

Whoa, what a splash! At 27,000 kilograms and 15 meters long, gray whales are big!

Gray whales swim more than 16,000 kilometers a year! That's more than other whales. Why do they swim so far? It's to look for food and have babies!

There aren't many gray whales today. They live in the North Pacific Ocean. Gray whales also lived in the Atlantic Ocean 200 years ago. But fishermen there caught too many…

So some scientists were very surprised this winter. They were flying in a plane over the Atlantic Ocean. They saw a whale below. Was that a gray whale??

They took pictures to check. Yes! It was! Where did it come from? They say it came from the Pacific Ocean!
科學家照相確認,沒錯! 牠是灰鯨,是從太平洋游過來的。

The whale swam through the Northwest Passage. That's not easy. The passage is sixteen thousand kilometers long!
這頭灰鯨從西北航道通過,很不簡單! 因為這條航道長達1萬6千公里。

It's usually full of ice most of the year. But the world is getting warmer. Some of the ice melted. So this whale swam to the Atlantic Ocean!

What other ocean animals will come through this passage?


1. kilogram公斤
The biggest animal on Earth is not a dinosaur.地球上最大的動物不是恐龍。
I know that. It's blue whales. 我知道,是藍鯨。
Yes, but do you know how big it is? 沒錯,但你知道牠多大嗎?
One thousand kilograms? 一千公斤?

2. thousand千
No, guess again. 不對,再猜。
Ten thousand? 一萬?
Okay, a blue whale can weigh up to 180-thousand kilograms! 一頭藍鯨可以重達十八萬公斤。
That's many times heavier than an elephant! 那比大象重好多倍!

3. swim 游泳
I'd really like to see blue whales. 我真想看到藍鯨。
I want to swim with them.我想要跟牠們一起游泳。

4. ocean 海洋
Where do you think we can do that? 去哪裡可以做到?
In the Pacific Ocean. 太平洋。



1. What kind of whales swim more than other whales?
a. Blue whales
b. Killer whales
c. Gray whales

2. What ocean do most gray whales live in now?
a. North Pacific Ocean
b. South Pacific Ocean
c. Atlantic Ocean

3. What passage did the gray whale swim through?
a. Northwest Passage
b. Southwest Passage
c. West-East Passage

1. c
2. a
3. a

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Gray Whale Swims to Another Ocean

Gray Whale Swims to Another Ocean
Release Date
