Gambian Photographer Works for Her Dreams

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Gambian Photographer Works for Her Dreams
**Narrator: **One, two, three, say cheese! Do you like taking photos? You can take photos of people, places, food … anything you want! People who take photos are photographers.
A young photographer loves taking photos of soccer games. She’s from the Gambia.* *Her dream is to be a sports photographer for the Gambia.
One day, she got a big chance. There was a men's soccer competition in another country. Teams from many African countries were playing. The Gambian team wanted her to work at the competition. For a short time, she was a sports photographer for the Gambia!
A few women photographers and many men photographers were there too. But she was easy to see.
Photographer: I need my light pink headscarf and all of my brightest clothes.
**Narrator: **場邊有很多男性攝影師,也有一些女性攝影師,但是她穿鮮豔的衣服,綁粉紅色頭巾,很容易就看到她。
She worked hard. She took amazing photos. Everyone loved them!
Now she has a bigger dream. She wants to go to the world's biggest soccer competition! She wants to be the Gambia's sports photographer there!
This young photographer works hard to make her dreams come true. If you work hard, you can make your dreams come true too!
1. come true 實現
What’s your dream, Paz? 你的夢想是什麼?
Opening up a bakery! 開一家麵包店!
Wow, that sounds great! 聽起來真棒!
When do you think it will come true? 你覺得什麼時候會實現?
2. hard 辛苦地
Maybe in five years.也許五年之內。
You’ll have to work hard. 你得努力工作。
Yeah, I’ll need to get up early every day. 是啊,我需要每天早起。
3. bright 鮮豔的
But you’ll make bright, beautiful and delicious cakes.但是你會做鮮艷漂亮又好吃的蛋糕。
I’ll make nice and soft bread too.我還會做柔軟的麵包。
4. biggest 最大的
My biggest dream is to have my own big room. 我最大的夢想是有自己的大房間。
With books, plants, and a big globe! 裡面有書,植物跟一個大地球儀。
What’s your dream, everyone?
come true實現
1. What does the young photographer like taking photos of?
a. Food
b. Clothes
c. Soccer
2. Where is the Gambia?
a. Africa
b. Asia
c. Europe
3. What does the photographer wear that makes her easy to see?
a. Green shoes
b. A pink headscarf
c. A yellow hat
1. c
2. a
3. b
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Gambian Photographer Works for Her Dreams

Gambian Photographer Works for Her Dreams
Release Date
