From Cow Poop to Clear Water

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From Cow Poop to Clear Water

In India, many communities need to clean their dirty water. It's not easy. Many cleaning systems use chemicals and energy. They need workers.

A man wanted to make a new system. But he didn't want his system to use chemicals, energy, or workers.

The man had an idea. A cow's stomach has four parts. Each part has a special job. His system has four parts. Each part has a special job.

Cow poop is in part one. Yes, smelly cow poop! This is smart. Brown water goes in. The poop's bacteria clean the water. Next, in part two, other bacteria clean it.

Then in part three, sand and small stones clean it. Last, in part four, plants clean the water! And clear water comes out!

The man's cleaning system works! People can use this water for plants and toilets. More than three hundred communities use this system now. It has cleaned two billion liters of water. That's a lot of water!

The man's system is easy, and it's good for the Earth. Now many communities can clean their dirty water!



1. bacteria 細菌
My God! I'm so tired! 天哪,我累死了!
Oh, there's cool spring water here,這裡有很涼的泉水。
Hey, you can't drink that! 你不可以喝泉水!
There are lots of bacteria in the water.水裡有很多細菌。

2. clear 清澈的
Really? But it looks so clear.真的嗎?可是它看起來很清澈。
No, you have to boil it first. 不,你一定要先煮沸。

3. idea 主意
But I can't do that now! 但是我現在沒辦法煮啊!
I know. I have an idea. 我知道,我有個主意。

4. need 需要
I'll tell those climbers we need water. 我去告訴那些登山客我們需要水。
What if they ignore you? 要是他們不理你呢?
They won't. I'll beg. 不會的。我會哀求。



1. What needs to be cleaned?
a. Air
b. Water
c. Bacteria
2. What animal stomach gave the man the idea for his cleaning system?
a. Cow
b. Horse
c. Sheep
3. What does the man's cleaning system use?
a. Energy
b. Chemicals
c. Plants

1. b
2. a
3. c

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From Cow Poop to Clear Water

From Cow Poop to Clear Water
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