Flight Attendant Saves Flamingo Eggs

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Flight Attendant Saves Flamingo Eggs

Have you been on a plane? Flight attendants work on planes. They bring food and drinks to people. They help people. One day, a flight attendant helped six… flamingo eggs!?!

Flamingos are big pink birds with long, thin legs. A zoo needed flamingos. So a zookeeper was taking the eggs to the zoo.

The eggs were in a special machine. It kept them warm. But the machine stopped working… Oh, no! The eggs needed to be warm! The zookeeper asked the flight attendant for help.

How did the flight attendant save the eggs? She had a smart idea. She put warm water in rubber gloves. Then she tied the gloves. The gloves kept the eggs warm.

People around the zookeeper worried about the eggs. They put their coats on the eggs.

After the plane landed, the zookeeper took the eggs to the zoo. One month later, six baby flamingos came out of the eggs! And the flight attendant went to see them!

The flight attendant's smart idea saved the eggs. Maybe your smart ideas will help something or somebody someday!



1. drink 飲料
Hi, welcome aboard! 歡迎登機!
Hi, Miss, could I have some food and drinks? 小姐,可以給我一些食物跟飲料嗎?
We will bring food and drinks to you shortly. 我們馬上就會送食物飲料給你。
After we take off. 在起飛之後。

2. need 需要
But I really need to eat now. 但是我真的需要現在就吃。
I'm very hungry! 我肚子好餓!
Can you please help me? 你可以幫我嗎?

3. save 拯救
I'll see what I can do.我看看能怎麼辦。
Here is a special meal for you. 這是特別給你的一餐。
Thank you! You saved me! 謝謝,你救了我!

4. ask 請求
Now can I ask for a glass of champagne? 現在我可以要一杯香檳嗎?
No, I'm sorry. No champagne. 不,很抱歉。沒有香檳。



1. Who saved the eggs?
a. A zookeeper
b. Flamingos
c. A flight attendant
2. How were the eggs saved?
a. Hot air in bags
b. Ice in cups
c. Warm water in gloves
3. What came out of the eggs?
a. A machine
b. Baby flamingos
c. An idea

1. c
2. c
3. b

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Flight Attendant Saves Flamingo Eggs

Flight Attendant Saves Flamingo Eggs
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