Finding the French Fry Friend

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Finding the French Fry Friend

In a small town in the U.S., there's a barbecue restaurant. It has delicious French fries. One day, a little kid called. The kid wanted fries. But… the kid didn't give a name.
The kid called many times. But the kid never gave a name! The restaurant owners wanted to give the kid some fries! But who was their French Fry Friend?
Hmmmm. Maybe a friend – or a friend’s friend – knew the kid. So they told their story on social media.
They were surprised! People in Australia, Canada, the U.K., Portugal, Spain, Mexico, Kenya, and other places saw the story! Everyone wanted the little French Fry Friend to get fries!
The kid called and called for a week. Then the owners found out that their French Fry Friend was… THREE little girls! They talked to the girls' mom. They met their French Fry Friends. The owners were happy. And the French Fry Friends finally had fries!
這個小孩打電話打了一個星期。後來餐廳主人發現,其實是三個小女孩打的電話! 於是找到了她們的媽媽,讓孩子們終於吃到薯條。
These three little girls wanted fries VERY much. They got fries… and new friends. And they made many people around the world smile!
1. restaurant 餐廳
I’m having lunch with some friends on Saturday. 我星期六要跟朋友吃中飯。
Oh, at a fancy restaurant? 在很貴的餐廳嗎?
At a barbecue restaurant.在一家烤肉餐廳。
2. call 打電話
Hmmm, I love barbecues.我喜歡烤肉。
Would you like to join us? 你想加入我們嗎?
I can call the restaurant. 我可以打電話給餐廳。
3. very much 非常
I’d like that very much! Thank you! 我很想去,謝謝你!
Do I know your friends? 我認識你的朋友嗎?
4. meet 見面
Yes, you met them before. 認識,你以前見過他們。
Ken, Kevin and Kelly. They are very friendly people. 肯恩,凱文和凱莉。他們都是很友善的人。
Good, I remember them. 真好,我記得他們。
Do you like going to a restaurant? 我們來讀單字。
very much非常
1. Which food did the restaurant have?
a. Pizza
b. French fries
c. Hamburgers
2. How did the kid try to get food?
a. Calling
b. Ordering online
c. Going to restaurants
3. Who was the kid?
a. A teenager
b. A little boy
c. Three little girls
1. b
2. a
3. c

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Finding the French Fry Friend

Finding the French Fry Friend
Release Date
