Emotions That Feel Bad Can Be Good

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Emotions That Feel Bad Can Be Good

Hulk: "Hulk Smash!!!"

Narrator: That's Bruce Banner. When he's happy, he's a person like us.

But sometimes he feels another emotion: anger. He doesn't like it. It feels bad. He becomes a big green monster. He's the Incredible Hulk! He fights bad guys! He uses anger to protect people and save the world!

We want to protect the people and things we care about. But when something is stopping us, we get angry!

Being angry feels bad. But anger makes us stronger. We can fight better against what's stopping us. Anger can help us protect things.

Being anxious feels bad too. We are anxious when we see danger coming. But being anxious can be useful. It helps us get ready for the danger. Then when the danger is here, we are okay!

A big test at school can make us anxious. So we study hard. Then when the test day comes, we're ready for it!

Some emotions feel bad. But they can be useful for us too. What emotions feel bad to you? Think about how they can help you!


1. anxious 焦慮的
What's wrong? 怎麼了?
Why do you look so anxious? 你為什麼看起來這麼憂慮?
I'm about to take a big test.我馬上就有一個大考試。

2. angry 生氣的
I'd be very angry at myself if I fail.要是沒過我會對自己很生氣。
Hey, stop thinking that way! 不要這麼想!
I know you. You study hard.我知道你,你很用功的。

3. study 讀書
You'll ace this one.這次你也會表現很棒。
No, this time I didn't study at all. 不,這回我根本沒讀書。

4. feel 感覺
A big test is coming and you didn't study at all? 大考試要來,而你完全沒有讀? What were you thinking? 你在想什麼?
Now I really feel sick. 現在我真的覺得要吐了。


1. What is Bruce Banner when he's angry?
a. A man
b. A test
c. A monster

2. Which feeling can help us protect things?
a. Happiness
b. Anger
c. Anxiety

3. Which feeling can help us get ready for danger?
a. Happiness
b. Anger
c. Anxiety

1. c
2. b
3. c

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Emotions That Feel Bad Can Be Good

Emotions That Feel Bad Can Be Good
Release Date
