Dragon Boat Racing in Alabama, USA!

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Dragon Boat Racing in Alabama, USA!

Huh? What's that sound? That's right. Today is the Dragon Boat Festival!

That sound is a drum. The drum helps the people racing in a dragon boat. Those people are paddlers. They use paddles to move the boat. They paddle by listening to the drum on their boat.

But this isn't in Taipei. Taichung? Nope. Kaohsiung? Nope. Yilan, Hualien, Pingtung, Hsinchu, or Penghu? Nope, nope, nope, nope, and nope!
但這裡不是台北,台中呢?高雄,不是。宜蘭,花蓮,屏東,新竹還是澎湖。不! 都不是,不是台灣任何一個地方。

This is in the USA! This state is Alabama. People in Alabama are racing dragon boats! That's really cool.

Now many people in Alabama think racing dragon boats is fun and cool! That's great, right? People all around the world are enjoying the dragon boat festival like we do in Taiwan.

Today, people everywhere will be watching dragon boat races, balancing eggs for luck, and eating tasty zongzi! … Oof, I think I've eaten enough zongzi for one day … Happy Dragon Boat Festival, everyone! 端午節快樂! ________________________________________________________________


1. people 人們
Somebody is playing drums.有人在打鼓。
Not somebody. It's a whole bunch of people playing.不是一個人,是一群人在打。

2. sound 聲音
The sound is coming from the school next door. 這個聲音是從隔壁學校傳來的。
Oh, so it's probably a class. 所以那些人也許在上課。

3. drum 鼓
Yeah, they are playing African drums. 沒錯,他們在打非洲鼓。
You know how to play? 你也會嗎?
Yeah, I took classes for a while.對,我以前上過一陣子課。

4. fun 樂趣
Did you have fun? 覺得好玩嗎?
I did. I had lots of fun. 好玩,很好玩。
The best thing was I played drums on a boat! 最好的是我在船上打鼓。



1. Where is this dragon boat race?
a. Penghu
b. China
c. Alabama
2. What moves the boats?
a. Paddles
b. Dragons
c. Aliens

3. What do the paddlers listen to?
a. People in Alabama
b. Elephants at the festival
c. The drum on their boat

1. c
2. a
3. c

Hosting provided by SoundOn

Dragon Boat Racing in Alabama, USA!

Dragon Boat Racing in Alabama, USA!
Release Date
