Dolls Made for All Kids

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Dolls Made for All Kids

Playing with dolls is fun. You can make dolls dance, jump, and fly!

One girl loves dolls. And she has a dream. When she was younger, she was sick. She was in the hospital a lot. She met kids with disabilities there.

Some kids used wheelchairs. Some had arms without hands. Some had a new leg. But they didn't have dolls that looked like them.

She wants kids to have dolls that look like them… and move like them! She wants dolls with disabilities and without disabilities! She thinks they can help all kids play together.

Well, meet Evie and Max. They're dolls! Evie and Max can move in many ways. Their elbows and knees can bend. Their fingers and toes can move!
新推出的娃娃 Evie 跟Max可以做各種動作。他們可以彎曲手肘跟膝蓋,也可以動手指跟腳趾頭。

Because of the girl's dream, a company makes dolls with and without disabilities! Every kid is different, so every doll is different.

The company uses 3D printers to make many different dolls. 3D printers turn the girl's dream into real dolls!
這間公司使用 3D 列印製作不同的娃娃,實現女孩的夢想。

Now all kids can play together with dolls that look and move like them!



1. jump 跳
Why are you jumping around like that? 你做什麼跳來跳去?
I'm trying out new dance moves. 我在試跳新的舞步。

without 沒有
It's all about using my knees and toes. 主要是用膝蓋跟腳趾。
Ha, you look like you're trying to fly without wings! 你看起來在做沒有翅膀的飛行!

knee 膝蓋
You've got to use your imagination! 你得用一點想像力 !
Come join me. 來跟我一起跳吧!
No, no, no, I can't bend my knees like that. 不不不,我不能那樣彎膝蓋。

dance 跳舞
Yes, you can! 你可以的。
Anyone can dance.任何人都可以跳舞。
Let's do it together. 我們來一起跳。
Okay, but don't laugh if I look funny.好吧,但是如果我看起來很可笑,你不可以笑。

Do you dance?


1. What does the girl love?
a. Dancing
b. Dolls
c. Elbows
2. What can Evie and Max do?
a. Sing short songs
b. Drink milk
c. Bend their knees

3. What is the girl's dream for all kids to do?
a. Play together
b. Use 3D printers
c. Move in many ways

1. b
2. c
3. a

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Dolls Made for All Kids

Dolls Made for All Kids
Release Date
