Dog Smells Gas, Saves Owner

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Dog Smells Gas, Saves Owner

A dog in the USA saved the lives of his owner and other people. How? He went outside his owner's house. He dug and dug the ground. The dog dug for hours and hours in one place. He made a big hole!
His owner thought that was strange. Her dog didn't dig big holes. Something was wrong! So she checked the hole with a special machine.
The machine showed a lot of dangerous gas there! What? Where was the gas from? It was from old gas pipes in the ground.
That gas can make people and animals very sick. And it can cause a big explosion!
The owner and the people who lived near her were lucky. Explosions are very dangerous! But her dog smelled the gas. He dug the hole to find it.
Gas company workers came quickly! They turned off the gas. They worked for three days! They fixed the pipes.
The dog's digging told his owner something was wrong. That’s why no one got hurt. He saved lives!
1. Turn off 關掉
Hey, turn that off! 嘿,把那個關掉。
I know, I’m on it. 我知道,正在關。
There we go. 好了。
You forgot you were boiling water, right? 你忘了在燒水?
I did. 對。
2. dangerous 危險的
It could be very dangerous! 可能會很危險呢!
Imagine what would happen if we weren’t at home. 想想看要是我們不在家會怎麼樣。
3. hurt 受傷
The house would burn and neighbors would get hurt.房子會燒了,鄰居會受傷。Exactly! 正是那樣!
4. quickly 很快地
We should have a fire alarm in the kitchen. 我們廚房裡應該有火災警報器。
A dog would be better. 狗狗比較好。
Dogs smell smoke very quickly.狗很快就聞到煙味。
turn off關掉
1. What did the owner think about the dog’s digging?
a. It was bad.
b. It was cute.
c. It was strange.
2. For how long did the dog dig?
a. Hours and hours
b. Days and days
c. Years and years
3. What made the dog dig?
a. A toy
b. A smell
c. A bone
1. c
2. a
3. b
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Dog Smells Gas, Saves Owner

Dog Smells Gas, Saves Owner
Release Date
