Do More Things by Yourself!

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Sunday is Mother’s Day! Let's talk about moms… and kids!
這星期日是母親節! 我們來談談媽媽跟小孩!
A movie star in the U.S. has three kids. When her kids have problems, she doesn't always help them.
Kid: Mommy, I dropped my toy! Waaaah!
**Mom: **Honey, pick that up by yourself.
Kid: Mommy, I can’t find my pencil! Waaaah!
**Mom: **Sweetie, look for it yourself.
Is this movie star a good mom? Scientists say*** ***yes, she is! If you're not a baby, you can learn how to do some things by yourself!
這位電影明星是不是好媽媽?科學家覺得是的! 只要你不是小寶寶,就可以學習自己怎麼動手做。
Moms usually run to help when kids have problems. But scientists say moms can let kids take care of some problems by themselves.
You don't always need to say, “Mommy!!!! Help me!!!” You’re not a baby, right?
Moms work so hard every day. That’s why they have a special day: Mother’s Day! You can show your mom how much you love her. How? You can do more things by yourself!
On Sunday, you can say "Happy Mother's Day" to your mom by yourself! Let's all try now. Are you ready? One, two, three… Happy Mother's Day! ________________________________________________________________

1. look for 尋找
Did you buy these? 這些是你買的?
Yeah, anything wrong? 對,有什麼不對嗎?
There’s too much sugar in them. 這些含有太多糖了。
You need to look for better snacks. 你需要找比較健康的點心。
2. always總是
I can’t do that by myself. 我自己沒辦法那樣。
Why not? 怎麼沒辦法?
Because I’m always attracted to sweet stuff. 因為我總是被甜食吸引。
3. yourself你自己
It’s not that hard. 沒有那麼難。
Just tell yourself, “I can do this. Yes, I can!” 只要告訴自己,「我可以的! 是的,我可以!」
4. try 嘗試
Come to the store with me next time.下次跟我一起去店裡。
No, no. Try to do it yourself. 不了,你試試看自己做。
look for尋找
1. Who helps when you're doing things by yourself?
a. Nobody
b. Mom
c. Dad
2. How often do kids need to ask for help?
a. Always
b. Sometimes
c. Never
3. What day is Sunday?
a. Kids' Day
b. A sunny day
c. Mother’s Day
1. a
2. b
3. c

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Do More Things by Yourself!

Do More Things by Yourself!
Release Date
