Dancing with Frogs

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Dancing with Frogs

Five, six, seven, eight! Let’s dance! Today is International Dance Day!
Let’s dance with some poison dart frogs! Poison?!
我們一起跟箭毒蛙跳舞! 什麼?!
Yes. Don't touch them, but dance with them! These colorful frogs are very good at tap dancing!
沒有錯,記得不要碰牠們喔! 這些顏色鮮豔的青蛙很會跳踢踏舞。
Poison dart frogs have four toes on their feet. They can tap their long middle toes very fast. How fast? They can tap them about 500 times… in one minute!
Our eyes can't see their tapping toes! They're too fast! Watch out! These frogs are going to win all the tap dancing contests!
Scientists in three countries are studying why poison dart frogs tap their toes. Some scientists found that the frogs may tap dance to find food.
What do these frogs eat? They eat moving insects. When these frogs tap dance, insects nearby move. When insects move, it's easier for the frogs to see… and catch them!

Maybe poison dart frogs tap dance for food. Can we dance for our dinner too? Then we won't need money to pay for it! Quick! Let's dance to find out! Happy International Dance Day!
1. find 尋找
Look! A dancing bird. 你看,一隻跳舞的鳥。
Wow, you’re right! 哇,你說得對。
It IS dancing.牠確實在跳舞。
I think it’s trying to find a mate.我想牠在努力找伴侶。
2. nearby 附近
But I can’t see another bird. 但我看不到另外一隻鳥。
She must be nearby. 牠一定在附近。
How do you know it’s a “she”? 你怎麼知道另一隻是母鳥?
Usually the male bird does the mating dance. 通常是公鳥跳求偶舞。
3. win 贏得
To win her heart? 好贏得牠的芳心?
Yeah, you could put it that way. 對,可以這麼說。
4. move 移動
He’s moving his feet so fast! 牠的腳動得有夠快!
Right, and it’s working. See, there she is. 對,很有用喔。看,牠出現了。
1. What do poison dart frogs tap?
a. Arms
b. Nose
c. Toes
2. How many times can poison dart frogs tap in one minute?
a. 50
b. 500
c. 5,000
3. What kind of food do poison dart frogs eat?
a. Dry
b. Moving
c. Cooked
1. c
2. b
3. b

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Dancing with Frogs

Dancing with Frogs
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