Cats Are Okay to Have Again in Singapore

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Cats Are Okay to Have Again in Singapore

Cats are great! They have cute meows and quiet purrs. They're small. They can stay indoors 24 hours a day. Cats are good pets!

Lots of people like having cats. But in Singapore, having cats was a problem for many people. These people live in government apartments. Singapore's government makes these apartments. About 80% of Singaporeans live in them.

But there was a law for people in these apartments. The law was made more than 30 years ago. It was a law against having cats!

Why? Well, the government thought cats caused problems. Some cats ran out of apartments. Some people didn't like cat hair in shared places.

But people in these apartments could have dogs! That didn't seem fair. Cats are quieter than dogs. Cats also don't bite people as much.

But now there's good news! The government changed the law! Having cats is okay again!
現在有好消息! 政府修改了法律,住戶又可以養貓了。

Cat lovers in Singapore's government apartments are happy. They can have one or two cats now. That's great for these cat lovers, and for the cats!



1. bite 咬
Will you look after my dog when I'm away? 我不在的時候你可以照顧我的狗嗎?
Does he bite? 牠會不會咬人?
No, Bruno won't bite my friends.不會,布魯諾不會咬我的朋友。

2. cause 造成
But he's never met me. 但是牠從來沒見過我。
Yeah, you're right.對,你說得對。
That may cause some problems for you. 那對你可能會造成問題。

3. apartment 公寓
Tell you what. 我跟你說。
Come to my apartment for dinner tonight. 今晚來我的公寓吃晚飯吧。
It will give you two a chance to meet each other. 讓你們兩個有機會見見面。

4. quiet 安靜的
Free dinner is always welcome. 免費的晚飯是很受歡迎的。
I hope you'll think Bruno is a nice and quiet dog. 我希望你覺得布魯諾是安靜的乖

你有養小狗或是小貓嗎? 來讀單字。


1. What percentage of Singaporeans live in government apartments?
a. 24
b. 30
c. 80

2. What was the law against having?
a. Cat hair
b. Cats
c. Problems

3. What did the government change?
a. A law
b. Dogs
c. An apartment

1. c
2. b
3. a

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Cats Are Okay to Have Again in Singapore

Cats Are Okay to Have Again in Singapore
Release Date
