Bus Brings Banned Books To All

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Bus Brings Banned Books To All

Books are magical. They tell us new stories. They teach us new things. They open our minds and hearts. Books bring people together. With books, we can learn from different people from different places!

But sometimes some people don't like the stories in some books. So they ban the books. That means no one can read them!

LGBTQ+ stories are banned in some places. This makes some kids feel sad.

RuPaul is a famous drag queen. His friends made the Rainbow Book Bus. It holds many banned books.

RuPaul helped the bus go to places where the books are banned. Everywhere it went, people came to get banned books for free. RuPaul helped his friends give away seven thousand books! These books help some kids feel less alone.

RuPaul says reading books helped him learn about the world.

Now he's sharing his love of learning with people everywhere. The Rainbow Book Bus is more than a bus full of books. It's a place full of caring and joy for everyone!

1. read 閱讀
You've been reading for a long time.你看書看了好久了。
Yeah, reading is not my thing, 對,我不愛看書的, but this book is different. 不過這本不一樣。

2. give away 贈送
Different how? 怎麼個不一樣?
Well, the library was giving them away and I just took one. 圖書館在送這本書,所以我就拿了一本。

3. for free 免費的
Okay, so you got it for free.所以你得到免費的書。
Right, and after I began reading it, I couldn't stop. 對,然後我一開始看就停不下來。
Let me guess. It's a book about food. 我猜它是講食物的書。

4. full of 充滿的
Yes, how did you know that? 對,你怎麼知道的?
It's full of stories about strange foods. 它裡面都是奇怪食物的故事。

Do you like reading?
give away贈送
for free免費的
full of充滿的
1. What do RuPaul and his friends do with banned books?
a. Sell them
b. Buy them
c. Give them away
2. How many free books were given?
a. Seven hundred
b. Seven thousand
c. Seventy thousand
3. How did RuPaul learn about the world?
a. Read books
b. Drove buses
c. Banned books

1. c
2. b
3. a

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Bus Brings Banned Books To All

Bus Brings Banned Books To All
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