Boy Works Hard to Make Money

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Boy Works Hard to Make Money

Shredders cut paper into lots of very small pieces. Paper goes in and shredded paper comes out!

In Japan, a man shredded some papers. He shredded an envelope. Then … oh, no! He remembered the envelope had a ?10,000 yen bill in it! That's about $2,000 Taiwan dollars…

The man told his son about the shredded bill. If the boy put the bill back together, it was his! But first, he had to find the pieces of the bill… There was lots of shredded paper!

It was very hard! Some pieces of the bill were the same color as other shredded paper!

The boy had another ?10,000 yen bill. He matched the little pieces to the new bill. He didn't find all of the pieces. But he found most of them! It took him three weeks!

He took the shredded bill to a bank. They looked at it carefully. Did they give him a new ?10,000 yen bill? Yes!!

Was $2,000 Taiwan dollars worth all that work? For this boy, yes, it was!


1. piece 片、塊
I found an amazing puzzle! 我找到一個很棒的拼圖!
Oh no, how many pieces? 糟糕了,有幾片?
Three thousand! 三千片!

2. hard 困難的
That's a bit hard, don't you think? 那有點難,你不覺得嗎?
The last time you did a 2-thousand-piece one, 上次你拼兩千片的拼圖,it took you two months! 花了兩個月!

3. have to 必須
That's because one piece was missing. 那是因為有一片不見了。
I had to find it. 我得把它找出來。
Well, at least you found it. 至少你找到了。

4. carefully 小心
This time I'll do it much more carefully.這回我會小心得多。
And spend another three months on it? 再花三個月嗎?
I hope not! 我希望不會。

have to必須


1. What does a shredder do?
a. Finds paper
b. Cuts paper
c. Colors paper

2. How much money was in the envelope?
a. ?2000 yen
b. ?10,000 yen
c. ?3 yen

3. Who put the ?10,000 yen bill back together?
a. The man
b. The man's daughter
c. The man's son

1. b
2. b
3. c

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Boy Works Hard to Make Money

Boy Works Hard to Make Money
Release Date
