Best Friend Saves Man from Icy Lake

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Best Friend Saves Man from Icy Lake

Narrator: One snowy winter day, a man and his dog Ruby hiked to a lake. The weather was so cold that the lake water was frozen! They walked on the ice.

But then the ice broke! The man fell into the icy water! He couldn't get out!

Man: Help! Hello? Help! Please, someone help!

Narrator: Ruby stayed by him. Someone called the police.

The police officer was worried. The ice might break more! So he tried to throw a rope to the man …

Police: I'm going to try to send this out to you, OK?

Narrator: But the man was too far!

The officer called the man's dog …

Police: Ruby! Ruby, come here! Come here, Ruby … That's it.

Narrator: Ruby ran to the officer. He gave her one end of the rope. The officer told the man to call Ruby …

Police: Call her! Call her!

Narrator: The man called Ruby …

Man: Ruby! Good girl, come here!

Narrator: She ran back to the man with the rope …

Man: Ruby! That's it! Yes, well done! Good girl.

Narrator: Then the officer pulled the rope. He got the man out of the icy water!

The man went to the hospital. He was okay! Ruby saved the man. This dog is truly this man's best friend!



1. winter 冬季
I want to live in a place that has a real winter. 我想要住在有真的冬天的地方。
What's wrong with the winter here? 這裡的冬天有什麼不對?
It's too warm. 太溫暖了。

2. ice 冰
There's no snow. 都沒有雪。
But with snow comes a lot of ice.但是下雪就會結很多冰。
Icy roads and houses are not fun. 結冰的馬路跟房子都不好玩。

3. frozen 冰凍的
Oh, but I want to see white, snowy mountains. 可是我要看蓋滿白雪的山脈。
And I'd like to skate on a frozen lake. 也想在冰凍湖面上溜冰。

4. hike 健行
And go hiking on mountain trails too? 也要走山路健行嗎?
Well, I'd prefer taking a gondola up there. 這個嘛,我比較想坐纜車上去。



1. What kind of animal is Ruby?
a. A cat
b. A dog
c. A horse

2. Who came to help the man?
a. A police officer
b. A hiker
c. A friend

3. What did Ruby take to the man?
a. A drink
b. A rope
c. Ice

1. b
2. a
3. b

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Best Friend Saves Man from Icy Lake

Best Friend Saves Man from Icy Lake
Release Date
