Adventures Can Help Us Heal

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Adventures Can Help Us Heal

Do you like doing new things? One man loves this! When he was in the army, he did new things. He went to new places. He loved these adventures!
你喜歡嘗試新的事物嗎? 有一名男子非常喜歡,他以前在當兵的時候,經歷很多新的事情、去了很多地方,他很喜歡這些冒險。

But he lost the use of his legs in the army. He also can't feel them. Now he uses a wheelchair.

Leaving the army made him very sad. He wanted to have adventures again! So he tried adventure therapy.

Bandages help cuts heal. Medicine heals a fever. Therapy helps our minds heal.

Thanks to his therapy, the man found a new adventure! Now he gets in a plane. He flies high in the sky. And then he jumps out! He's skydiving!

The man loves skydiving! It makes him feel happier! But something very surprising happens then!

He falls at one hundred ninety kilometers an hour. And he can feel his legs again! He feels them a little… But he says that little feeling, for a few seconds, is enough for him!

Adventure therapy healed the man's mind. It helped his body too! Adventures can help us heal!


1. fly 飛行
What kind of adventures would you really like to try? 你會真的很想嘗試哪一種探險?
Flying in a hot-air balloon! 坐熱氣球飛行。
Over the Hua-dong Rift Valley? 在花東縱谷上面?
Anywhere would be fine. 哪裡都可以。

2. in the sky 在天上
Just to be high in the sky is exciting enough.高掛在天上已經夠讓人興奮了。
Hmmmm, that does sound like a big adventure.聽起來確實是一個大冒險。

3. jump 跳
What about you? 你呢?
I dream about jumping from a high cliff into the crystal clear sea water! 我夢想從高高的懸崖跳進清澈的海裡!
Wow, and you can't even swim! 而你甚至不會游泳。

4. do 做
That's what makes it an adventure! 那才叫做冒險!
You do new things! 你做新的事情!

in the sky在天上

1. What did the man use to heal his mind?
a. Bandages
b. A fever
c. Therapy

2. What new adventure did the man find?
a. Healing
b. Surprising
c. Skydiving
3. How fast does the man fall through the air?
a. 190 miles an hour
b. 190 kilometers an hour
c. 190 meters a minute

1. c
2. c
3. b

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Adventures Can Help Us Heal

Adventures Can Help Us Heal
Release Date
