A Fan Referees a Game

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A Fan Referees a Game

One day, a man went to a big soccer game in the UK. A team named the Wolves was playing. The man was a big Wolves fan! The game was very exciting!
Then a referee got hurt! Referees are important for soccer games. They make sure the players are following the rules. Now the teams needed another referee.
This Wolves fan raised his hand and said, "I can help!" They gave him a special referee job.
The man was happy to help. Then the Wolves scored a goal! This Wolves fan was excited! He wanted to cheer! But referees don't cheer for any team. They must be fair.
In the end, the Wolves won the big game! The man was very happy and very excited. But he stayed quiet. He said he was the only quiet Wolves fan there!
After the game, the man went home with a big smile. He didn't cheer, but he was a part of the game. And he learned that referees are important. They keep the game fair and fun for everyone!
• cheer for 加油
Hey, why are you cheering for the Guardians? 你怎麼替悍將加油?
Why not? That’s a great home run! 怎麼不行? 那是精彩的全壘打!
• fan 迷
But you’re a fan of the Brothers! 可是你是兄弟隊的球迷!
I am. And I’m also a big fan of home runs! 我是啊,我也是全壘打迷!
• team 隊伍
You should stick to one team. 你應該忠於一個隊伍。
But I like all the teams! 但是那些隊我都喜歡!
That’s why I bought the seasonal ticket. 這是為什麼我買季票。
• game 比賽
I always feel so happy watching these games. 我看這些比賽都好開心!
Yeah, I agree. They are a lot of fun. 我同意。是很好玩。
Do you cheer for the team you like? 來讀單字。
cheer for加油
• What kind of game was played?
• Basketball
• Baseball
• Soccer
• What team does the man like?
• The Bears
• The Wolves
• The Lions
• What do referees do?
• Keep the game fair
• Cheer for a team
• Play in the game
• c
• b
• a

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A Fan Referees a Game

A Fan Referees a Game
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