A Corpse Flower Blooms and Stinks

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A Corpse Flower Blooms and Stinks
Whoa! What's that smell?! Is there a dead fish somewhere?! Are there dirty socks? Is there stinky cheese? Is there… poop?!?
This year, a corpse flower bloomed.* *It’s at a museum in California. That bad smell came from this very big, beautiful, dark red flower.
It doesn’t have a nice name! But the name tells us the smell is VERY bad. "Corpse" means dead body…!
These flowers smell when they bloom. Smelling bad helps them! Some insects eat dead animals. These insects love this flower's smell! They help the flowers make seeds.
There aren't many corpse flowers. They don't bloom often. They bloom for a very short time - one or two days!
So when one blooms, it's in the news! It’s on TV! It's a star! People get excited! One man drove fourteen hours to see one!
This beautiful flower smells bad. But the smell does something good! Nature is cool, isn't it?!
1. stinky 臭的
What’s this bad smell? 這個難聞氣味是什麼?
I think it’s coming from those lilies. 我想是那些百合發出來的。
They become stinky after being in the vase for several days. 它們在花瓶裡待了幾天之後就會變臭。
2. bloom 開花
I love lilies when they begin blooming. 我很喜歡百合剛剛開花的時候。
Me too. They are beautiful flowers. 我也是,確實是漂亮的花。
3. red 紅色的
Did you know there are red lilies? 你知道有紅百合嗎?
No, I didn’t. 我不知道呢。
They are very nice. Good for Mother’s Day! 很好看,很適合母親節。
4. this year 今年
My mom loves red flowers. 我媽媽喜歡紅花.
Then you know what to give her this year. 那你就知道今年要送她什麼了。
this year今年
1. What happens when corpse flowers bloom?
a. They eat insects.
b. Insects eat them.
c. They smell bad.
2. How long do corpse flowers bloom?
a. One or two days
b. One or two weeks
c. One or two years
3. How many hours did a man drive to see a corpse flower?
a. four
b. fourteen
c. forty
1. c
2. a
3. b

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A Corpse Flower Blooms and Stinks

A Corpse Flower Blooms and Stinks
Release Date
