The Second World Wars: The Stakes of World War II

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In this inaugural episode of The Hillsdale College Online Courses Podcast, Kyle and Juan introduce The Second World Wars. This seven-lecture course, taught by Hillsdale College President Larry P. Arnn and Wayne and Marcia Buske Distinguished Fellow Victor Davis Hanson, examines the causes of World War II and dives into the strategies that gave the Allies the upper hand over the Axis. World War II can be understood in terms of two competing arguments regarding the nature of man. One argument views man primarily as part of a collective, shaped in decisive respects by race or class. This led to the invasion of peaceful lands and the organized slaughter of millions. The other argument views the human soul as free—never to be governed without consent. The unflinching insistence on this view led to liberation.  See for privacy information.

The Second World Wars: The Stakes of World War II

The Second World Wars: The Stakes of World War II
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