510 – 7 Start-Up Mistakes

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Top 7 Small Business Start-Up Mistakes and how to avoid them and launch a successful business, with Henry Lopez. Show Notes page: https://www.thehowofbusiness.com/510-7-startup-mistakes/ How to identify and avoid or minimize some of the most common small business start-up mistakes. Henry shares his top 7 common small business mistakes to avoid, so that you can start and grow a successful and profitable business. Top 7 Small Business Start-Up Mistakes: 7. Poor Research and Planning. 6. Bad Partners and Hiring the Wrong Team. 5. Starting Too Big and not following the MVP or iterative approach. 4. Poor Marketing & Sales. 3. Getting in Your Own Way. 2. Not Starting! Getting overwhelmed and paralyzed. 1. No Money! Henry Lopez is the host of The How of Business podcast – helping you start, run and grow your small business. The How of Business is a top-rated podcast for small business and entrepreneurs. Find the best podcast, small business coaching, resources and trusted service partners for small business owners and entrepreneurs at our website https://TheHowOfBusiness.com

510 – 7 Start-Up Mistakes

510 – 7 Start-Up Mistakes
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