How to expand into your positive energy and love yourself again.

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In this episode, we're going to delve deep into the truth about expanding into your positive energy.
Are you ready to make a shift in your life? Have you tried, failed, and felt unsure about what to do next? Change can be challenging. But today, I want to discuss the concept of a "week of greatness." Imagine operating as your higher self for an entire week. Here's why it's so powerful: your true self is revealed when you're not motivated, not inspired, and when life throws challenges at you. It's not about being good or bad; it's about being authentic.
You are already amazing and wonderfully made, and your current journey, with all its struggles, serves a purpose. The hardships you face now will shape the incredible person you'll become on the other side. So, embrace your current state and decide to be the new version of yourself.
There won't always be motivation to guide you. What remains constant is your choice. You must eliminate the idea of fairness or comparing your situation to someone else's. Instead, focus on choosing who you want to be.
Imagine making this choice with unwavering commitment, as if your life depended on it. Regardless of how you feel, what you think, or what others say, you are determined to become this version of yourself.
You'll notice your vibration shifting as you make this commitment and stick with it. You'll manually change your vibrational state, and the faster you vibrate, the more you rise. When negative thoughts creep in, consciously replace them with positive ones. When you make a mistake and those self-deprecating thoughts arise, halt them and affirm your greatness.
As you shift your mindset by choice, your perception of the world changes and your actions follow suit. This alignment is where your vibration truly soars. By consistently thinking, speaking, and acting in harmony with your chosen self, you become that very person—especially when motivation wanes, you're no longer inspired, or life throws obstacles your way.
Have you ever considered what would happen if you decided, "This is who I want to be, and I'm going to be it"? You'd experience a profound shift. The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like, but let's take it further: like IS like. There's no separation; it's all one. Therefore, you need to become the likeness you desire to attract.
One of the beautiful aspects of our human experience is that things don't manifest instantly. Imagine if every thought materialized immediately! The gift is that we have time to adjust our vibration consciously. Your journey is a gift happening for you. You have the power to choose who you want to be.
I understand that life can be challenging and may seem unfair. Some have faced unimaginable challenges, while others have had smoother paths. However, if you're receiving this message right now, you still have a choice. It's not about fairness; it's about your choice.
Embrace the fact that you can choose, regardless of your circumstances. That's how loving the universe is; it grants us the gift of choice. Without the choice, there can be no love. When you choose love, everyone knows you've truly chosen it—it's not a default scenario; it's your conscious decision.
So, stop worrying about fairness, cease self-judgment, and let go of the idea that happiness is something to attain in the future. Make your choices, and never look back once you've chosen.
Choose your vibration, and become the rising tide that lifts all ships.
- Henry
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How to expand into your positive energy and love yourself again.

How to expand into your positive energy and love yourself again.
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