How to control your mind and create a positive life.

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In this episode, we're about to embark on a journey together that can change your life forever.
Exploring the art of creation is exciting, and it's our innate ability. We are all creators, constantly observing and recreating our experiences. Everything that flows into us flows out of us—it's a universal truth. So, what we focus on and observe, we recreate more of in our lives.
Let's take an example—wealth. Many people desire abundance, financial freedom, and the ability to support themselves and their loved ones without worry. But how do we create it? The key is to focus on wealth in our minds. Our thoughts are the filter through which we experience the world; as we experience, we create more of it.
So, we must adjust the filter in our minds. What are your thoughts about wealth? Do you believe you can become a millionaire? Can you confidently say, "I am a millionaire"? If there's resistance in those words, that's where you need to focus your attention. Change your thoughts, and you change your reality.
Changing your mindset requires commitment and persistence. When you commit to thinking in a certain way, you commit to being in that energy. It may feel foreign at first, but with time and repetition, it becomes the norm. Your old, negative thought patterns will diminish, making room for the positive ones.
You have the power to change your thoughts, and by doing so, you change your reality. Your mind sets the frequency through which you experience the world, and it's the words in your head that determine this frequency. If you engage in negative self-talk, you'll struggle to do positive things consistently. It's essential to shift your beliefs and maintain alignment with your desired mindset.
Works alone won't suffice; you must believe and have faith. Align your thoughts with your goals, and you'll empower your actions. It's about being in the right frequency to receive your desires.
Remember, the world may be chaotic, but it's designed that way for a purpose—to provide us with valuable life lessons. You don't need to change the world; instead, focus on changing yourself. This earthly experience is your workout, strengthening you to handle heavier challenges and experiences. Embrace the journey and strive to find the positive in every situation.
The more you grow through challenges, the more love and positivity you can receive and share with the world. Just as lifting heavy weights makes you stronger, facing difficult experiences makes you more powerful. Embrace your inner creator and set your mind on a high frequency to experience the life you desire.
Together, we can become the rising tide that lifts all ships.
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How to control your mind and create a positive life.

How to control your mind and create a positive life.
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