How to change and live a life you love | The power of 1212

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In this episode, we will dive deep into the concept of change and how to harness it to create a more positive and fulfilling life.
Many of us desire change, especially at the start of a new year, with that fresh "new you" vibe. We aspire to be different, achieve new goals, lose weight, get that promotion, make more money, or even find that special someone. Change is what we're after, but what exactly is change?
In my perspective, we're all operating on a frequency. Your frequency shapes what you frequently see and experience in your life. If you want something different, something outside your current realm of experience, you must change your frequency to match it. Your frequency is not about changing external circumstances; it's about becoming the person who can receive their desired experiences.
It's about evolving into the version of yourself that naturally attracts and manifests your desires. For instance, if you want to become a millionaire, it's not solely about having a million dollars but becoming the kind of person who can receive and manage a million dollars. You need to align your thoughts and actions with that desired reality.
Remember, it's your frequency that you have control over, not the world around you. This material world is a place we visit, an experience we have, but we can only change ourselves, not the external circumstances. A powerful saying to illustrate this concept is, "The world is not as it is; it is as you are." The world appears differently to each of us based on our unique perspectives and frequencies.
Think of it as "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." It's not about the thing itself but the perception of it—the "eye" is the perception, and perception is influenced by your frequency. To change your frequency, you must change your thoughts and actions. You are not your thoughts; you are the one interpreting your thoughts. Shifting your thoughts leads to a shift in your frequency.
Belief doesn't come solely from thinking but from consistent action aligned with your thoughts. People who merely believe in a thought but do not take corresponding action often remain dreamers. The key is to be a doer—someone who aligns their actions with their beliefs. That's when you see real change.
When you shift your frequency, you'll notice that things around you might become resistant or even incompatible. Relationships may change, friends or family may drift away. This isn't about good or bad but a natural consequence of frequencies no longer matching up.
Consider frequencies like radio stations. You can't tune in to two stations at the same time with a single receiver. Similarly, you can't experience the reality you desire at your current frequency; you have to change it.
Fall in love with the process, and you'll go further than you ever imagined.
- Henry
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How to change and live a life you love | The power of 1212

How to change and live a life you love | The power of 1212
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