Local Race Showcase: Dinosaur Valley Endurance Run

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In this captivating episode of HappyCast, join co-hosts Andrew and Stephanie as they take you through the thrilling trails of the recent Dinosaur Valley Endurance Run. This episode is not just a race recap; it's a journey filled with personal milestones, unique experiences, and the sheer joy of trail running.Andrew's 100k Triumph: Dive into Andrew's exhilarating experience as he tackles the 100k distance in an effort to beat Regina in the distance. This race holds a special place in his heart, marking a significant evolution from his first-ever trail race, which was the 25k at Dinosaur Valley in 2021. Listen as he shares the highs, the lows, and everything in between from this challenging course.Stephanie's Pacing Prowess: Stephanie, having logged almost 144 miles of pacing and crewing at Dino Valley, brings her perspective. Her insights offer listeners a glimpse into the crucial role of a pacer and the unique bond that forms on those trails.Taco Bell Trail Burritos and Mid-Race Naps: The episode takes a light-hearted turn as they recount the delightful surprise of Andrew's mom bringing Taco Bell Trail Burritos, adding a quirky twist to the race sustenance. Plus, hear about their fellow runner Matt, who took an unexpected nap mid-race, adding a humorous anecdote to the challenges and unpredictability of endurance running.Whether you're a seasoned trail runner, a newcomer to the sport, or simply a lover of captivating stories, this episode of HappyCast is a must-listen. Andrew and Stephanie's tales from the Dinosaur Valley Endurance Run will entertain, inspire, and maybe even motivate you to hit the trails yourself.So lace up your running shoes, plug in your headphones, and prepare to be transported to the rugged paths and spirited atmosphere of the Dinosaur Valley Endurance Run in this latest episode of HappyCast.Be sure to subscribe to the podcast wherever you listen, and we always appreciate you leaving a good rate and review. Join the Facebook Group and follow us on Instagram and check out our website for the more episodes, posts and merchandise coming soon. Have a topic you'd like to hear discussed in depth, or a guest you'd like to nominate? Email us at info@happyendingstc.org

Local Race Showcase: Dinosaur Valley Endurance Run

Local Race Showcase: Dinosaur Valley Endurance Run
Release Date
