250: Education with Julie Warner

Release Date:

Julie Warner, EdD, left the classroom fewer than 10 years ago—close enough that she can still vividly remember her first few rocky years with their emotional and logistical landmines, but long enough to have had a career in education since then that includes obtaining a doctorate in education from Teachers College, Columbia University, stints as an Education Policy Advisor in the U.S. Senate and the White House, and overseeing the teacher issues portfolio within the U.S. Department of Education’s internal think tank. Even as she’s advised on high-level policy decisions in education, she’s always stayed close to the classroom: she’s a National Board Certified Teacher, has published books on teaching with technology, and is a freelance education writer.Tune in to hear this bonus edition episode with Julie Warner!


"If you could help to influence one teacher's practice you're having influence with potentially 30+ students."
"If students don't know you see them and don't know you care on a human level, then no one is going to learn anything."
"Confusion has to come before you learn how to do something."
"If you know what you're doing, you might be stagnant. If you're a little bit uncomfortable or out of your depth, you're growing."
"No one can be everything to one person."

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Failure Before Success Book

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Book: Elementary EDUC 101: What They Didn’t Teach You in College

Connect with Julie Warner

Twitter:  @newliteracy
Website: www.juliemwarner.com

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250: Education with Julie Warner

250: Education with Julie Warner
Release Date
