Training camp stories and job done in Doha. TDMM: The Weekly Freestyle

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Every week Tom is going to sit down with Alex, or Sutts as he's more often known, to chat about training and all things Medal Machine. Sutts will be keeping a keen eye on Tom's progress as he gets closer to crunch-time in July, and the pair will open up the mailbag to answer your questions!In today's episode Tom and Sutts discuss how Tom and the team got on in Doha, what life's like down on the Gold Coast, and answer some training camp questions!So if you want to get in touch follow @tomdean_medalmachine or email, and remember you can follow Tom @tomdean00 and Alex @alexjsutton99.

Training camp stories and job done in Doha. TDMM: The Weekly Freestyle

Training camp stories and job done in Doha. TDMM: The Weekly Freestyle
Release Date
