Dom Robert’s Thoughts on Ending Her Podcast, People Pleasing, & Stepping Into Her Power

Release Date:

For the last guest episode of Season 01, the girls were joined by friend and creative activist, Dom Roberts. This girl-time packed Thought covers all thoughts from: 

Dating (the hair test, sexual boundaries, etc) 

Why Dom ended her ‘The Uncomfortable Podcast’

How having “digital activist” as part of your public identity, mixed with people-pleasing tendencies, leads to being robbed of your Black joy 

Unlearning people pleasing tendencies to realize that setting boundaries + taking care of ourselves isn’t selfish 

Stay tuned for the end of this Thought when, in honor of Dom ending her podcast ‘The Uncomfortable Podcast’, we ended with a very revealing rapid-fire with uncomfortable questions only, including Dom’s funniest sex story, the last fight her and bestie Kenzie Elizabeth got into, the whackest brand campaign she ever did, and most memorable DM she’s ever gotten. 


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DISCLAIMER: We are not licensed professionals. If you are seeking licensed and professional mental health support, please reach out to 741-741 (The Crisis Text Line) or The NAMI Helpline or The Trevor Project or any of the resources listed below.


NYT ‘The 36 Questions That Lead To Love’:

Meadow’s Local Optimist article featuring Dom:

The Power of Choosing Joy by Dom for Local Optimist:

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Dom Robert’s Thoughts on Ending Her Podcast, People Pleasing, & Stepping Into Her Power

Dom Robert’s Thoughts on Ending Her Podcast, People Pleasing, & Stepping Into Her Power
Release Date
