TRAILER: OMG Season 5 launches July 8th

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New episodes of One Minute Governance every Monday and Thursday starting July 8th. This season's theme is "Questions boards and directors really need to answer."
As usual, this podcast is written, produced and scored by Matt Fullbrook. To connect with Matt, head to 
Hi everyone, I’m Matt Fullbrook. Season 5 of One Minute Governance kicks off Monday, July 8th with episodes twice a week for the next six months or so. Ever notice that we’re always telling directors to ask more questions? About seemingly everything! Wanna do an awesome job at AI oversight? Ask a bunch of questions! Wanna make sure your executives are meeting their performance objectives? Ask a bunch of questions! Want everyone in the room to think you’re super smart and paying attention? You got it: more questions! This line of thinking is so super prevalent that you can type “questions boards should ask” into Google and basically every governance-related organization has put out somewhere between one and 10 million articles encouraging directors to ask questions about this or that. Here’s the thing, though: asking questions doesn’t really matter unless you’re doing it for a good reason. Are you trying to start a conversation? Are you trying to redirect the board’s energy into a more productive direction? Is something truly unclear? Because what actually matters is what the question accomplishes, not the question itself. Which brings us to the headline of OMG Season 5: “50 questions boards and directors really need to answer,” because by answering these questions, you’ll get closer to good governance. Each episode will be about a single question, with a bit about why the questions – and, more importantly, the answers – matter. If you find yourself enjoying this season, please do all the normal and super helpful things that support podcasters: subscribe, leave a review, and tell your friends. And if you’re a director or executive and you’d like an ally in exploring some of these questions, head over to and send me a note. It’s good to be back.

TRAILER: OMG Season 5 launches July 8th

TRAILER: OMG Season 5 launches July 8th
Release Date
