221. How, specifically, do our board evaluations make us better?

Release Date:

This season, every episode of OMG focuses on a question that directors really need to answer.
OMG is written, produced, narrated and scored by Matt Fullbrook.
Question #19: How, specifically, do our board evaluations make us better? I’ve had the amazing privilege of working with many, many boards on board evaluations over the years. I would guess that the first one I ever worked on was 20-ish years ago and the most recent one was within the past couple of months. Most board evaluations take tonnes of time and money to conduct. They involve some combination of interviews and/or surveys and analysis and reporting and facilitation. If you’re really unlucky as a board, your board evaluation tells you that everything is perfect. It might feel good, but deep down you know you might be pretty good, but definitely not perfect. But even the lucky ones basically never get their money’s worth. Let me put it this way: a great board evaluation should make give you fuel to be tangibly better tomorrow than you were yesterday. Right? Otherwise, what’s the point? Hence today’s question: how do our evaluations make us better? When exploring this question, try to have high standards. As in, try not to settle for “well, we added one more item to consent agenda and that saved us 46 seconds at the last meeting!” And don’t confuse NEW behaviour with BETTER behaviour. Just because something might have changed doesn’t mean it has improved. My hope is that exploring this question will increase your expectations of your board evaluations overall, and of the consultants you hire to conduct them.

221. How, specifically, do our board evaluations make us better?

221. How, specifically, do our board evaluations make us better?
Release Date
