153 - Origin of the Ullambana Festival

Release Date:

153 - Origin of the Ullambana Festival
Storyteller: Venerable Miao Guang
Maudgalyayana, who was foremost in supernatural powers, was left helpless and heartbroken when trying to help his mother. When asked, the Buddha told him that nothing could be done to save her…
Read the full story here: https://bodhilightfgs.blogspot.com/2022/07/152-origin-of-ullambana-festival.html
Illustration: Venerable Dao Pu (道璞法師)

目犍連尊者雖然有「神通第一」之名, 卻因救不了母親而感到十分傷心。當目犍連向佛陀哭救時,佛陀只能說目犍連是救不了母親的。。。
點此閱讀故事全文: https://bodhilightfgs.blogspot.com/2022/07/152-origin-of-ullambana-festival.html

153 - Origin of the Ullambana Festival

153 - Origin of the Ullambana Festival
Release Date
