4. The Travel Diet

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Trends on "diets" don't work for everyone, and diets don't have the same meaning they once used to have. Unfortunately, the lack of education in nutrition has greatly contributed to nutritional unawareness, and misinformation. It's important to verify who the information is coming from and their credibility. I am not certified in nutrition, nor in dietetics, but as a certified personal trainer we have knowledge that we can share to the limit of our professional scope. Fernando calls his "diet" a nutritional habit, or nutritional lifestyle based on education and experience. Carbohydrates are not as bad as they seem if consumed in good quality, proper amount, and no underlaying health issues affected by glucose, such as diabetes. Did you know glucose is the main source of energy for brain cells? One of the most important factors mentioned is the importance of the role of each macronutrient, and it's process to metabolize to be used for either energy, storage, or muscle synthesis.

4. The Travel Diet

4. The Travel Diet
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