Denkoroku – The Transmission of the Light 2024 – Talk 1 – Bodhidharma -Jeff Bickner

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Jeff Bickner gives the first talk of the "Denkoroku - The Transmission of the Light 2024"  series to the Dharma Seminar.  The Denkoroku was written by Keizan Jokin (1264-1325) who along with Dogen is considered to be one of the two founding patriarchs of the Soto Zen School. The Denkoroku presents the transmission stories of the lineage of Soto Zen ancestors. This series references the  text of Thomas Cleary's "Transmission of the Light: Zen in the Art of Enlightenment by Zen Master Keizan." This first talk is on Bodhidharma - Case 29.

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Denkoroku – The Transmission of the Light 2024 – Talk 1 – Bodhidharma -Jeff Bickner

Denkoroku – The Transmission of the Light 2024 – Talk 1 – Bodhidharma -Jeff Bickner
Release Date
