Connecting with Children Through Story • EAP005 • Samara White

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Elephants, bears and needles, oh my! Does thinking about taking your kids to an acupuncturist conjure up your haunted house of needle experiences? Do you worry that acupuncture might turn into a shriek session, or be a cause of pain? Looking for a way to talk to your children about acupuncture? Maya and Her Friends Visit the Acupuncturist is a fanciful and informative adventure of a little girl’s trip to see Dr. Meow. The purrrfect kid’s acupuncturist.
Listen in as we get the story behind this delightful storybook, and how parents are using it  to help their kids cozy up to the idea of needles. You’ll learn a thing or two about acupuncture, and why it is that kids sometimes understand this stuff better than us grown up's.Mentioned in this episode:Real Mushrooms For Everyday PeopleAre you looking to improve your health?
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Connecting with Children Through Story • EAP005 • Samara White

Connecting with Children Through Story • EAP005 • Samara White
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